How to Deal with Uncertainty in Your Career

How to Deal with Uncertainty in Your Career

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No doubt, everyone wants certainty, in everything. And our career in not an exemption. However, uncertainty is everywhere. As human beings, we crave security and a sense of control, but there is a limit to what we can actually control. However, even in the midst of uncertainty, we can find ways to control or limit the effects, and also prevent future uncertainties as much as possible.

If you are facing uncertainties in your career, let’s look into ways you can deal with, or manage it.


  • Accept the things you have no control over 

There are many things that happens in our lives, and we have no control over them. By accepting those things as they are, we have a kind of inner peace. Sometimes, the situation of things that are in the control of the government, or natural occurrences can create career uncertainties. When such happens, understand that there little or nothing you can do about it, and move on. This realization will give you peace, and channel your energy into the things you have control on.


  • Acknowledge the challenge

Verbalize your concerns to friends, family, or a counselor. You may also want to make sense of what is happening by writing it down. This could take the form of a journal or simply a list of all the things that worry you.


  • Be grateful for the things you have

Look around you, you will surely find things to be grateful for. Focus your attention on these things. Mindfulness helps us pay deeper attention to the ordinary things in our lives that we so often take for granted. Start by writing down everything that you are grateful for. This will help calm your stress and anxiety so you can deal with career uncertainty from a place of abundance rather than despair.


Self-care is your first line of defense against chronic uncertainty. Self-care makes your use of time more sustainable. Healthy eating, rest and regular exercise give you the stamina to withstand any threat to your survival. Indulge in therapeutic activities that rejuvenate your mind and body and restore your energy and peace of mind.


  • Be proactive at work

Think of what actions you can take to be seen as someone moving the business forward. If you sense that there are uncertainties in your job, be proactive in the work that you do. Say yes to all requests. Work at odd hours and over the weekend, if needed. Being proactive will make your bosses see you as an indispensable worker, if it gets to the point of layoffs.



  • Acquire new skills

When facing career uncertainties, it is advice able to learn new skills and arm yourself, especially if you are waiting to get called back to work. Get ahead of the game by scaling up your skillset, including your digital skills, agile thinking, and interpersonal skills. Taking courses to learn one or more of these skills is an adjustment that will be well worth your investment of time and money. Acquiring skills will make you more valuable compared to your colleagues, and so you will be indispensable in case of downsizing. Also, learning new skills helps your personal brand.



Having a side business, even when you are working at your job, gives you confidence even in the face of uncertainty. You will have something to fall back to. Your side business will be your source of livelihood, and may even grow to be a big concern, if you put more work to it.


The best way of dealing with career uncertainties, is to totally avoid it. This will require that you choose a career the will be relevant in years to come, choose a career that won’t be phased out by technological advancements, and make yourself so valuable in it. Want to know if it is time for you to switch careers? Watch this space.

My name is Chigozie Japhet. I am a content writer, and a brand strategist. I like  writing, reading, researching and watching football, especially my team, Man United. i believe in working hard, and also in relaxation as all work without play, makes Chigozie a dull boy.
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