How to Convert Traffic to Sales

How to Convert Traffic to Sales

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The major goal of every marketing activity is to drive sales. However sometimes, huge traffic will be driven to the store, but less sales will be recorded, thereby leading to the failure of the marketing effort. This goes a long way to explain that although traffic is important, it is not the main goal of every business.  Traffic should lead to sales, if this is not the case, the efforts have been wasted.

We created this article to identify reasons for high traffic but low sales, and give solutions to them.

What can cause high traffic and less sales?

If you are recording high amount of traffic from your marketing activities but less sales, it means something is not done right. Read on to find out what.

  1. You are attracting the wrong people.

If you don’t understand who your ideal customer is, then how are you marketing and tailoring your products or services to best suit them? You could be attracting the wrong audience to your business with your campaigns causing high levels of traffic but low sales conversions.

  1. There is no clear Call to Action (CTA)

When people visit your online store, you want them to take action after seeing your offer. But, what action do you want them to take? If there is no clear CTA, they will be confused about the next step and this will lead to leaving your store without making any purchase.

  1. Does your business seem trustworthy?

Building customer trust when you have zero sales can be a tough task, but a necessary step in converting website visitors into customers. Since your visitors can’t get to know you in person, you’ll need to make sure your website is inviting and makes every visitor feel secure.

  1. Your Copy Isn’t Persuasive

According to smartInsights, copy must be “informative, error-free, well written, descriptive, persuasive, and emotional”.

  1. Your Pricing Strategy Is Wrong

Price is the most important buying factor for 60% of people. So, one reason your eCommerce site might have a low conversion rate is because of a poor pricing strategy.

Here is what to do, to convert most of your traffic to sales

  1. What to do. Find out who your ideal customers are, by developing a proper buyer persona for your business. This will help you know what to sell to who, as well as the type of content you should put out.
  2. Build relationships with social media to create trust. Your social media content must show you as an authority in your field.
  3. Always add a clear Call to Action at the end of every communication to help the audience know and do exactly what you want them to do.
  1. To solve the problem of pricing, create product bundles instead of selling single products. Also, instead of using round up numbers, add the number 9 at the end, the use small fonts in writing the price.
  2. Use email marketing to reach out to those who visited you shop but didn’t make purchases. Run retargeting ads to remind them.
  3. Add clear images of products so people know exactly what they are purchasing.
  4. Optimize your website for mobile users, as most website visits come from mobile devices.
  5. Make your website pages easy to navigate. If it is not, visitors will easily get bored and leave, leading to high bounce rate.

If you apply these strategies, it will go a long way to converting most of your visitors to buyers, thereby reducing bounce rate.

My name is Chigozie Japhet. I am a content writer, and a brand strategist. I like  writing, reading, researching and watching football, especially my team, Man United. i believe in working hard, and also in relaxation as all work without play, makes Chigozie a dull boy.
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