7 Ways to Balance Your Full-Time Job with Your Side Gig

7 Ways to Balance Your Full-Time Job with Your Side Gig

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Some people spend their time outside of work doing something that brings them personal fulfillment—if not a few extra bucks. For some people, it’s freelancing—using their skillsets to consult on projects. Other people take on a steady second job, like bartending, or provide specific services.

However, it is important to set boundaries between your responsibilities and carve out time for each. Balancing your side gig with your full-time job can be a hard task, but it is not impossible. Here are seven ways to make it easier.

Pick a side hustle you’re passionate about

Making a full-time job and side hustle work can be a lot easier if you are making money doing something that gets you motivated. Only if you are passionate will you be able to burn the midnight oil without breaking down. If your goal for starting a side hustle is to eventually turn it into a business, consider your passions and use those to generate side hustle ideas so you are doing something you love. That way, having a full-time job and side hustle feels less like having two jobs.

Set clear boundaries between your full-time job and your side gig.

When you are at work, your primary job is your priority. There are plenty of reasons not to do anything for your side gig during working hours. It is unprofessional, and people will notice. You won’t do your job as well if you are distracted by your side gig, and the output for your side gig will suffer when you are trying to sneak it in.

Also, boundaries are important for your side gig, too. It is too tempting to take your office work home with you at the end of the day. Make sure you don’t do this. Focus and finish your office task in the office. You don’t want to sacrifice productivity in either arena of your life for the other.

Take advantage of small pockets of time

One misconception about how to balance your full-time job with a side hustle is thinking you can only work on either one in big blocks of time. Take advantage of small pockets of time. For example, instead of spending your entire lunch hour on social media, use that time to work on your hustle. These little snippets of time may seem insignificant, but they do add up.

Use automation tools

If your side hustle is website or blog-based, you could try using automation tools so that you don’t have to be as hands-on with your business. You can also use automation to manage other parts of your life so you have more time to focus on your side gig. For instance, you could set up automatic bill payments so you don’t have to worry about due dates. Budgeting apps can help with tracking your spending automatically, taking the hassle out of doing it manually.

Eliminate distractions

One of the biggest struggles with how to balance your full-time job with a side hustle is making the most of the time you have available for your side gig. And to make the most out of your time, you have to eliminate distractions. When you have time set aside to work, you better be working that entire time and not browsing the internet or watching YouTube videos. Leave your phone in another room, and turn off the TV.

 Don’t neglect your health

When balancing a side gig while working full time, it’s easy to neglect basic self-care. You have to make health a priority so you have enough energy to work on both. It is tempting to work long hours to grow your side hustle, but consider what the trade-off may be health-wise. If you are tired, that can hurt your productivity at work, potentially endangering your day job. And once you get home from work, you may have zero energy to focus on your side hustle.

Focus on your why

Staying focused on why you started your side hustle is what will keep you motivated to continue working on it when you’re exhausted or feeling stuck. Working full time with a side hustle can be demanding, to say the least. It’s important to have a clear reason for what you’re doing from day one. If you have lost sight of your why, take time to remind yourself what your goals for side hustling were when you started. Whether it is creating financial security for your family, or being able to walk away from your day job one day, use your goals as an anchor for staying grounded and focused.

In conclusion, balancing your full-time job and side hustle takes planning and patience to make it all work. Whether you are spending a few hours a day on your side hustle or just a few hours a week, these strategies can help you find a happy medium between working for your boss and trying to become your own boss in your spare time.


My name is Chigozie Japhet. I am a content writer, and a brand strategist. I like  writing, reading, researching and watching football, especially my team, Man United. i believe in working hard, and also in relaxation as all work without play, makes Chigozie a dull boy.
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