How to Improve your listening to boost your performance

How to Improve your listening to boost your performance

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Successful people in both their personal and business lives know how to communicate well. Speaking and being able to explain your thoughts are important skills, but listening is just as important and is often ignored. Listening isn’t just about hearing what someone says; it’s also about knowing, feeling what they feel, and really connecting with them. In fact, improving your listening skills can make a big difference in how well you do in life. It can help you build stronger relationships, make better decisions, and do better in many areas.

In this article, we’ll discuss about how to improve your listening skills to make you a better performer. We will talk about methods that you can use to become a more active and attentive listener who can pick up on subtleties, find deeper meanings, and make encounters more meaningful. Whether you’re in a business deal, a personal chat, or a group project, practising your listening skills can help you understand more, avoid misunderstandings, and contribute more effectively. By starting this journey to improve your listening skills, you will not only become a better speaker, but also a more sensitive and successful person.

Here are some things you can do to improve your listening skills:

Being present and focused

To be present and focused means to give them your full attention as if they were the most important thing at that moment. You put your phone and anything else that could be a distraction away. When you look at them and keep your eyes on them while they talk, it shows that you are really interested in what they are saying. Also, your body language, like nodding your head or sitting up a little, shows that you are really listening.

So, being present and paying attention means giving someone your full attention, showing that you care about what they’re saying, and using your body language to show that you’re really listening. It improves the conversation and makes it easier to understand each other.

Active Listening:

Active listening is like being a pro at listening to what people have to say. It’s not enough to just hear what they say; you have to really understand what they mean.

  • Let Them Finish First: Have you ever been sharing a story and people kept cutting you off? Isn’t that annoying? Active listening means you don’t talk until the other person is done talking. It’s like giving them some attention for a little while.
  • Show You Both Have the Same Idea: You ever talk to a friend, and they say, “I totally get it,” or they nod as you talk? It feels great, like they really care about what you have to say. This is what you do when you are really paying attention. You nod and maybe say, “I see what you mean” or “That’s interesting.” It’s like high-fiving them for sharing.

Being a good listener is good for everyone. You make the person feel heard and important, and you get a front-row seat to their thoughts. That’s how you talk to people at the next level.

Be Open-Mindedness:

Approach conversations with an open mind and a willingness to consider alternative points of view.
Avoid formulating opinions or suppositions before thoroughly grasping the speaker’s perspective.

  • Open to Anything: Open-mindedness is comparable to a desire for adventure. When you approach a discourse with an open mind, you are willing to listen to all types of ideas, even those that differ from your own. It’s like being willing to sample a novel food because you want to know what it tastes like.
  • Delay Your Decision: Imagine that you have only seen the first few minutes of a movie. You wouldn’t make a decision about the entire narrative, correct? Open-mindedness is comparable to this. It implies that you refrain from judging or making assumptions about what someone is saying until they have fully explained their position. It’s like not predicting the movie’s ending until you’ve seen the entire thing.

Being open-minded facilitates growth and learning. You are able to view the world from various perspectives and comprehend why individuals believe the way they do. In addition, it makes conversations much more fascinating and respectful because everyone has an equal opportunity to express their opinions.

Ask Thoughtful Questions:

  • Get the Whole Picture: Asking thoughtful questions helps you understand what someone is saying by asking for more information or explanations, just like checking the plot of a movie to make sure you aren’t missing anything.
  • Asking for more information is a good way to show that you’re interested and want to learn more. Think of it like asking a friend to talk about what they did over the weekend. It keeps the chat going and lets them talk about more cool things.

So, asking good questions is like being a detective for learning and making conversations interesting.

Paraphrasing and Summarising:

When you paraphrase or summarize, you repeat and emphasize the most important parts of what someone says. To make sure you got it right, you can paraphrase by repeating or explaining their words in your own words. When you summarize, you focus on the main points. Both will help you understand and show that you are listening.

Minimize Internal Distractions:

Using awareness methods to calm your thoughts and really pay attention is one way to keep your mind from wandering. Focus on what the speaker is saying instead of what you want to say next. This will help you understand and connect with them. It’s like turning off the noise in your mind and paying attention fully.

Improve Non-Verbal Communication:

To improve nonverbal conversation, watch how the other person talks, including their face, body language, and tone. This helps you figure out what they’re trying to say. Also, use your own body language to show that you’re interested and willing to learn. It’s kind of like having a secret chat through movements, which gives the talk more depth.

Practice Patience:

When you are patient, you take your time, especially when you are having a long or hard conversation. Let the person talking talk at their own speed; don’t rush them. It’s like giving them time to talk without rushing, which makes the conversation go more smoothly and get accomplished quicker.

Avoid Prejudice and Stereotyping

To avoid bias and stereotypes, you have to be aware of what you already think and try to put those ideas aside when you listen. Come to discussions with an open and fair mind, like a blank slate, and don’t let your assumptions get in the way of what’s being said. It’s like giving everyone a chance to be heard and not making assumptions right away.

Actively give feedback

Active feedback is when you tell the person what you think they meant and then ask if you got it right. This keeps the discussion going in a useful way. Also, ask them to tell you what they think about how well you listen. It’s like working as a team, making sure everyone is on the same page and getting better as a whole.

Listen to Various Sources:

When you listen to different sources, such has podcasts, TED talks, or recordings will help you get better at listening in general, like training your ears to understand different styles and sounds. It’s like getting better at listening by trying out different ways of talking.

Reflect and Learn

Consider what you have learnt from the previous sessions, and determine the areas in which you may improve. This will help you reflect and develop. Maintain a regular practice routine to hone your listening abilities. It’s the equivalent of going back over your game play and searching for ways to hone your listening skills in order to become a better overtime.

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Falana William is a passionate writer who has a keen interest in various topics. With expertise as a certified Google digital marketing expert, Falana William possesses the skills and knowledge to navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape. Combining a love for writing with proficiency in digital marketing, Falana William is equipped to create engaging and effective content that resonates with target audiences.
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